Birth Certificate Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies   ‎(M116)‎

Birth Certificate Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Dimensão da Imagem 514 x 322

Tamanho do arquivo 95.02 kb

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Some details illegible
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Titulo Birth Certificate Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies

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IDRegistroGIVNAtualizado emUltima alteração por
S15Birth Certificate, Harry Alston McCartney, 13th July 1912, 94, Woodford Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies Harry Alston McCartney  
Ligações totais: 1GIVN

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